Grand Rounds


Apr 2
"Patient-Provider Communication in Dermatology"
Headshot of Dr. Charlotte Read


Our Grand Rounds weekly series consists of lectures and patient conferences. Lectures are open to dermatologists and trainees from the local Seattle community as well as to our own faculty and trainees. 

*Please email  Aimee Filippi,,  if you would like to attend Grand Rounds.


Grand Rounds
Alternating Wednesdays, 8:00-9:00am
Roosevelt II, Conf room E132 a/b

Patient Conferences
Alternating Wednesdays 7:45-9:00am
Roosevelt II,  Conf room E132 a/b

Jan 22
"Opportunities and Pitfalls for Human-AI Collaboration"
Headshot of Veronica Rotemberg
Dec 18
"Modeling Genetic Skin Diseases to Design Novel Treatments: From Bedside to Bench and Back"
Headshot of Cory Simpson
Dec 4
"Out Darn Spot: Dark Spots and Bright Solutions in the History and Treatments of Post Inflammatory Hyperpigmentation"
Headshot of Linda Oyesiku