Dr. Markus Boos Presents on Climate Change in UWNURF Diversity Lecture Series
Dr. Markus Boos, recently presented "Climate Change and How it Disproportionately Impacts Communities of Color" for the UW Network of Underrepresented Residents and Fellows Diversity Lecture Series.
Dr. Boos is an attending pediatric dermatologist at Seattle Children's Hospital and one of the Associate Program Directors for the Dermatology Residency Program. In addition to his clinical and teaching roles, Dr. Boos is a researcher and advocate for climate/environmental health, publishing several papers on the effects of climate change on pediatric dermatology in the last 2 years.
The UWNURF Diversity Lecture Series focuses on Anti-Racism and Health Equity and brings together faculty and trainees discussing topics including inclusivity in medicine and health issues that affect diverse patient populations.
In his lecture, Dr. Boos presents the ways in which the harmful consequences of climate change are disproportionately felt by communities of color, with an emphasis on children and the incidence/severity of atopic dermatitis. Central to the discussion are examples of environmental racism that disproportionately impact communities of color – shade scarcity, exposure to air pollution from the burning of fossil fuels, and more—that appear to correlate with increased prevalence of atopic dermatitis in communities historically shaped by redlining.