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Dermatology Resident, Dr. Josiah Hanson wins LifeCenter Organ Recovery’s monthly LifeSaver Award

November 8, 2019
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Dr. Josiah HansonCongratulations to Dr. Josiah Hanson for winning the LifeCenter Organ Recovery’s monthly LifeSaver Award.  Dr. Hanson is a second year resident in our Dermatology program.  The team at LifeCenter felt that Dr. Hanson went above and beyond to assist with a donation case and ensure that LifeCenter could move forward and save lives. 

“Dr. Josiah Hanson was the dermatologist who was on-call this weekend at HMC. I am working a case in Olympia and there is no one from dermatology on-call at St. Peters and all of the offices were closed due to the holiday and the weekend.  LifeCenter Coordinator (and part-time Harborview RN), Cathy, helped me get a hold of him, and he was so helpful with my case. He called me and consulted this case we had, even though it wasn't at his hospital. He was extremely helpful and saved me hours of phone calls trying to find other dermatologists on a weekend, so I just wanted to give him a huge thank you!! Because of his timely consultation, we were able to move the case forward, rather than waiting until the holiday weekend was over to have a derm consult with a local dermatologist.”  According to Rachel one of the Organ Recvovery Coordinators.  

Our UW Dermatology Team is proud of Dr. Hanson's accomplishment.

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