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Work-Life Balance & Burnout – A Dermatologist’s Perspective

August 19, 2021
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What brings you joy? 

Daniel Berg, MDDaniel Berg, MD, a dermatologist with The Polyclinic, joined faculty, staff, residents and trainees as the guest lecturer for UW Dermatology’s weekly Grand Rounds lecture series on Aug. 11, 2021. Dr. Berg’s presentation, "Work-Life Balance and Burnout – A Dermatologist’s Perspective,” focused on the pervasiveness of burnout and exhaustion among physicians, self-care and mindfulness techniques, and strategies to maintain good mental health and find more joy throughout the day. 

Prior to Dr. Berg’s Grand Rounds lecture, attendees were asked submit ten words that describe things, activities, or relationships that bring them joy either at work or away from work. Check out the submissions in word cloud below to see how the Division of Dermatology maintains a healthy work-life balance. Thank you to the faculty, staff, residents and trainees who attended!

Word graphic


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