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Please arrive 15 minutes early for your appointment as there may be some paperwork to fill out. There is parking below the building that can be entered from the front of the building on Roosevelt Way.

You, along with 3-5 other patients, will be scheduled in the morning for Mohs surgery. Since your cancer will be taken out level by level, expect to be in the clinic for 4 hours minimum. Please don’t make any other appointments for the day of surgery.

There will be some intermittent waiting throughout the day. This will be while your tissue is being processed, during other patient’s Mohs surgeries and while closures are being performed.

Eat breakfast before your surgery. The local anesthetic does not require you to fast. There will also be light snacks, coffee, tea and water to enjoy while waiting.

Take your medications as regularly scheduled. Since you will be here for the whole morning, bring any medication that you take later in the day in case your surgery runs into or after lunch.

If your cancer is on or near your eye or nose, have a family member or friend accompany you the day of surgery. You will leave with a bulky bandage that could obscure your vision and driving abilities. It is best to have someone come along that will drive you home.

For smokers, it is highly recommended that you cease smoking. If this is not possible, cut back to at least half your normal level for 2 weeks before and after surgery. You will heal faster and have fewer complications the less you smoke.

The first 24-48 hours after surgery you will be advised to limit your activity. No heavy lifting, exercise, strenuous activities and possible limits on bending over.

You will be given wound care instructions and will be shown how to care for your wound before you are discharged. You will also schedule a return visit for follow up and suture removal.