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Upcoming Residency Program Virtual Open Houses

July 13, 2021
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Join Us For One of Our 3 Virtual Open Houses this Summer

We are pleased to host 3 virtual Open Houses over the summer to give each applicant the opportunity to get to know our program prior to applying for residency. 

Thur, Aug 19, 2021

5:30p PT

Sat, Aug 21, 2021

10:00a PT

Thur, Sept 16, 2021

5:30p PT


Zoom Link

Meeting ID: 928 3951 1887

Code: 800739

Join by Phone:

Each Open House will feature:

  • Introductions to our Program Director, Dr. Roy Colven, and Associate Program Directors Drs. Markus Boos and Lisa Maier
  • An overview of our core principles and curriculum by our chief residents, Drs. Lauren Bonomo, Emily Duffy and Deva Wells
  • A glimpse at daily life for our residents including first-hand accounts of a typical work day and life in Seattle
  • Descriptions of the breadth of professional development and community building resources provided by our institution and specific opportunities within the Division of Dermatology
  • Q&A section featuring your questions – please submit your questions before your session so that we can make the most of our time together

NURF Diversity Recruitment Town Hall 

The UW Network of Underrepresented Residents and Fellows is hosting a Diversity Recruitment Town Hall on Tuesday, August 31, from 6-8p, to answer questions for potential applicants from underrepresented and/or disadvantaged backgrounds applying to residency.

Click here to register.

More information on our program can be found in our 2021-22 Candidate Info Packet.

Please note - Each of these sessions will be similar in structure and content. No registration is required, and we will not be tracking attendance.

We look forward to seeing you there!

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